February 17, 2016,
Bruce Alper, MD, Craig Deligdish, MD, Brian Dowdell, MD, Lance Grenivcki, MD, Lisa Cosgrove, MD and Kyle Moyles, MD all of the Florida Medical Association, met with Governor Scott today in Melbourne and talked about jobs, the local economy and health care. Governor Scott provided his opinions on “not for profit” hospitals, the free market and the importance of competition, especially in healthcare. Drs. Grenevicki, Dowdell and Deligdish,, all plaintiffs in the OMNI Healthcare, et al, case against Health First discussed the disparity between how much hospitals charge as compared to non-hospital providers, the impact of the monopoly power of Health First, the extraordinary profits generated by the Health First hospitals, Health First exclusionary practices, Health First and other hospital’s “not for profit” exemption from property and other taxes.